当前位置 首页 纪录片 《家门口的陌生人》


类型:记录  美国  2022 

主演:Bibi Bahrami Saber Bahrami Dana McK 


量子云播 量子云播

电影《家门口的陌生人》剧情简介 电影《家门口的陌生人》剧情简介

欢迎光临失心影视,本站已收录电影《家门口的陌生人》并提供在线免费观看。  U.S. Marine Richard “Mac” McKinney had planned to return home to Muncie, Indiana as a hero – in an American flag-draped coffin. But that didn’t happen. Instead, after 25 years of service, he returns alive and filled with an all-consuming rage. Still fueled by his desire to die for his country, he plans to bomb the local mosque. But when he comes face to face with the community of Afghan refugees and others of Muslim faith that he seeks to kill, his plan takes an unexpected turn.


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