当前位置 首页 纪录片 《BBC地平线:我们需要谈谈死亡》


类型:紀錄片 Documentary 纪录片 记录  英国  2019 



电影《BBC地平线:我们需要谈谈死亡》剧情简介 电影《BBC地平线:我们需要谈谈死亡》剧情简介

欢迎光临失心影视,本站已收录电影《BBC地平线:我们需要谈谈死亡》并提供在线免费观看。Dr Kevin Fong tackles moral questions surrounding death that face not just the medical profession, but each and every one of us. Throughout the programme, he meets medical professionals who are at the heart of the dilemmas surrounding our attempts to defeat death and live as long as possible, as well as people who are facing up to the question of how to die a better death.


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